Secure payment

Zero risk when you make a purchase! PayPal Guarantee.

If you decide to pay online by credit card, we have the perfect solution for you.
No commission and zero risk. The world's best known online payment system, PayPal, allows us to make these claims.

In fact, credit card data are encrypted throughout the transmission and are managed directly by PayPal, the leader in online payments. We do not even see your data pass and are not stored anywhere. This is because at the time of payment the transaction takes place on PayPal's protected systems, external to our site. When the payment is completed, the PayPal system will send you back from the site you started from to continue browsing.

If you prefer, you can still pay by bank transfer. Choose this mode only if it is more convenient for you: in terms of risk, there is no difference. The risk is always zero.

Only original, new and reliable products.

Our products are always original, new and above all from a reliable source.

Transparency above all. Even at the cost of losing some business along the way, we prefer to operate with the utmost transparency. We buy our products only from qualified suppliers, who can guarantee us the lawful and traceable origin of the goods at any time.

We avoid buying from third-party resellers, we prefer to buy directly from the manufacturer, which invests us with the title of authorized resellers. This allows us who sell the product to be sure of its authenticity, and you customers to have no surprises.

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